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Practical Abhidhamma

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Practical Abhidhamma Course is a free online book for Theravāda Buddhists with inquiring minds who want an introduction to the Abhidhamma with minimal Pāḷi.

The Book

Practical Abhidhamma book Download the Book

Last updated 23rd April 2016

This course covers selected topics from the Abhidhamma that are most practical and relevant to daily life. Though it is called a “Practical Abhidhamma Course,” it is also a practical Dhamma course using themes from the Abhidhamma.

The Dhamma and the Abhidhamma are not meant for abstract theorizing; they are meant for practical application. Please approach this course not only to learn new facts, but also to consider how you can improve yourself spiritually.

Each of the eight lessons in the book includes:

The 200-page book has more than 100 diagrams and charts. The diagrams visually reinforce key points from the lessons.

For those who want to explore further, there are more than 650 footnotes. These footnotes contain links to more than 100 Suttas referenced in the lessons, relevant Wikipedia articles, stories from the Commentary, and links to download important reference texts.

The Author

Rob Moult photo

Rob Moult is a Canadian who has lived in Malaysia for 25 years and has taught Abhidhamma for 15 years.

You can contact Rob at Feel free to send questions and suggestions as this course will be updated from time to time.